Three Months Old
Jazzy is 3 months old now. She weighs in at 11 pounds. She loves to do crazy things. In the morning, she will lick us when it is time to get up. If I take her to do her business, she now comes back to the bedroom and cries by the side-rail, begging to be placed back up in our bed under the covers to sleep more of the morning away. So spoiled! So-there if you see a lump in our bed-don't smooth out the covers, it just might be Jazzy! I think she got the idea from Libby because our calico sleeps under the covers in the other bed many times in the winter. Only difference, Libby can jump up in bed and cover herself up!
Jazzy started barking at Russ the other day for eating yogurt. Normally, Russ would eat the yogurt, intending to save Jazzy some, and then forget, and all Jazzy gets is the container. This time, Jazzy reminded him with each bite to leave her some. She would calm down. Russ would take a bite. She would bark. One bark for each bite. (That sounds like a funny play on "her bark was worse than her bite.")
The other day, Russ was throwing a play toy and Jazzy kept bringing it back-no matter where Russ would throw it. Then Russ was joking, and thought he might throw it over our half wall, and see if Jazzy would run around the other side of the half wall and down the stairs to get the toy. But Jazzy was trained to FOLLOW the toy, and was ready to go up and over the half wall and it would have been a LONG way down. So Russ quickly aborted the plan, and I quickly grabbed Jazzy before she went over the wall.
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