11 Weeks Tomorrow
Jazzy will be 11 weeks old tomorrow. She weighs 9 pounds now, and has developed the really neat "cut" look of a Boston Terrier, with the deep chest and skinny belly. Here are some other bits about her:
-She sort of cries or whimpers when she goes #2 (always a tell-tale sign if she is doing it where she shouldn't be!)
-She went #1 on a guest for the first time yesterday-it was a junior high girl, and I'm guessing she was squeezing Jazzy a little too hard (plus Jazzy was excited!). But normally, she does not have the excitable urination that some dogs have with weak bladders. This young teen was a jewel, and after getting over the initial gross-out period she went right back to wanting to hold Jazzy some more.
-Jazzy loves pulling her bed all over the place-and she has even pulled a laundry basket of clothes from room to room. She loves to pull things. Amazing-for a nine pound doggy!
-Jazzy's ears are almost all the way erect now-just barely flopping over at the tips. Gives her a much more grown-up Boston Terrier look.
-Jazzy and Libby (our calico) enjoy having conversations with each other, and even moments of chase. Libby seems to be tolerating and even egging on Jazzy much more than she did Mijo.
-Jazzy love running like a wild woman for about five minutes a day. No destination, just crazy cirlces as fast as she can, until she is out of breath!
-She also likes to chase tennis balls down the stairs, and run with the retrieved ball in her mouth up the stairs as break-neck speed.
-When she is mellow (which is 80% of the time, she enjoys watching t.v. with me or just playing with one of her toys while I do other things.
-She is spoiled though, and when it is nap time, if I'm on the computer, she wants me to pick her up and hold her until she falls asleep. I'm all for it though, because I know this stage doesn't last long.
-Now that she isn't shy about going downstairs, she has discovered the cat food. Doggies aren't supposed to eat cat food, it is too rich for them, from what I understand. Well, I'm guessing she went down for some of the forbidden fruit today, and the door was mostly closed to that room. She squeezed through the door, but when on the other side, managed to lean against the door and closed it all the way shut. This scared her and she cried for what seemed like forever before I located her. Crazy dog!
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