Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Learning Curve

Well, Jazzy is learning (not all of it good!). We want her primary toilet to be out-of-doors, but because of her small bladder and not being big enough for a collar and leash to fit, we have "wee wee pads" inside for when she must have an indoor toilet. (Reminds me of the outhouse at Granny and Papa's!-but that is another story for another blog)

She has learned quite well to use the wee-wee pads. She has only had a couple of carpet mistakes in the past couple of days-normally she will go to the pads on her own, and then when we place her there, she also goes (anyone ever notice just how OFTEN little puppies have to go?).

Well, I took her outside yesterday, and she didn't use the restroom-just wanted to play. It was cold, so I brought her back in. Not five minutes later, she had gone both #1 and #2 at her indoor "facility." Why oh why didn't she go outside? Normally, that is the first response to being out-of-doors, so I'm not sure why yesterday was different. Hopefully, with time we can withdraw the pads and have her go outside 100% of the time.

Funny how new parents of any kind have more pee pee and poo poo in their conversation than the normal public! haha! Talk about potty mouth!

Jazzy has learned a couple of other things:
#1-She has learned the bag that holds her food, and now when she is hungry, she will go to the bag and nudge it. "Hint, hint, Mom!"

#2-She decided to take a nap in a place where I couldn't find her. She was playing the game, "hide-and-go-nap." I looked everywhere for her, because the house was so quiet I got worried! Where oh where was Jazzy? Not in her kennel. Not under the beds. Not under the table. Then I had a hunch. One of her blankies was on the floor, all crumpled up. I found Jazzy cocooned inside the blanket. I'm glad I found her before we stepped on the blanket. I guess Jazzy has learned how to cover herself up when she is cold! Crazy Jazzy-girl!


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