Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cuisine ala Poop!

Okay, this blog seems to have a lot of potty mouth. Sorry about that. Blame Jazzy-not me.

We have discovered her eating the #2 product of Libby, found in the kitty litter box. That is pretty disgusting.

But she wanted something more exotic for her diet. She had a hankering for venison.

Today, she got her wish. I let her outside in our backyard, and she became preoccupied with something and would not come when I called her. Curious why she did not respond, I ran to where she was, and discovered a pile of pellets. Russ had spotted 6 deer in an open field behind our yard a few days ago. I'm guessing at least one of the deer jumped the fence to our yard at some time. I wish I could have seen that. It had been snowing, and it would have been beautiful.

But not so beautiful is the breath of our sweet puppy. She no longer has puppy breath, she has poopy breath!

To wash all that down, I think it is time for some doggy Listerine!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Dixie did this, too. The vet told me it was just like "recycled cat food" as far as the dog is concerned. Dixie would also snag the cat food every chance she could. I ended up having to get a covered litter box with a door to deter her. Brad says to watch the Dog Whisperer on National Geographic channel and maybe he will have a show about how to fix the problem.

2/25/2006 12:11 PM  

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