Sunday, April 09, 2006

Jazzy's Belly Ache

(I wrote a really neat article for this post-then hit the wrong key and lost it. I HATE it when that happens! Blogger doesn't like Mac-it works better on the PC (to do things like italics. Oh well-here is round 2-the abbreviated version):

I came home from a trip out, and found torn up cookie package remains in the great room. I THOUGHT I had doggy proofed it. WRONG. Jazzy had eaten all of the cookies-there was at least half a package before I left-maybe more. UGH! My bad-what dog WOULDN'T eat cookies instead of kibble, when their owner wasn't looking?

Then we went outside and Jazzy helped herself to some dandelions. She loves them. Eats like a goat! She didn't just eat them to help her belly ache. She eats them all the time.

I'm wondering if the dandelions taste good, but then I think to myself, do dogs really have a refined sense of taste? Think about what ELSE they eat!

I figured Jazzy would be jazzed up from all the sugar, but instead she was a bit reserved for a few hours. I'm guessing she was embarrassed. Perhaps she was saying, "I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!"

BTW-Jazzy is weighing in at 15 pounds now. Not fat-in fact very lean. She is just "big boned" as they say, and on her way to being a BIG Boston Terrier. She is 20 weeks old today.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


We have been told that Boston Terriers need to be entertained at all times, and not allowed to get bored, in order to keep them from getting into trouble. Since we have to leave Jazzy at times for 4-6 hours at a time, we have been experimenting with the best arrangement. We have finally dog-proofed the great room, and have closed the doors to the other rooms. She can soak in the sun coming from the French doors at the back of the house, or the large windows in the front of the house. And she can run down the stairs to go out her doggy door to enjoy the out-of-doors. Also, she can play with the cat, and watch the world go by through the windows. It seems to be the best arrangement.

To keep her from getting bored (and into trouble), we purchased a little toy called a Kong. It is a rubber ball, with ribs rather than a solid wall. And an interesting opening that allows you to put different treats inside. The dog then is encouraged to roll the ball all over, and to chew on the ball, and occasionally they are rewarded with a treat (or a bit of kibble food). It really keeps her occupied! And it is good for her teeth and jaws. A good purchase for under $10.

Wetting Accidents

Jazzy is having some unusual wetting accidents. She has wet her bed once, and our bed twice. This is not from squatting out of rebellion on the bed, but actually being asleep and being incontinent. As you know, it is unusual for a dog to urinate in his own sleeping quarters. She didn't just go a little, but lost a lot of urine.

Then there was the time she was playing with Russ, and just all of a sudden water gushed out of her. No squatting, no stopping, just total incontinence. Not excitement incontinence (she sometimes has that too, and that is just little dribbles), but a gush of urine. Poor thing.

The last 2 nights she has not had an accident. I'm pulling her water earlier in the evening, and when I get up in the night I get her up to go too. This is helping. And we are trying a more disciplined bathroom schedule, to make sure she is going when she should.

But-we had a weird thing happen last night. Jazzy climbed up on me as I was laying on the couch, and wet all over me. I couldn't tell if she was squatting or if it was an accident. But it was a LOT.

So, we are really going to watch her more and get this thing under control. If it is not a schedule problem, then we will have to have her evaluated for other things. We don't want the high vet bills, though!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Jazzy's Over 4 Months Old!

Last week Jazzy went to the vet. He commented that she is going to be a LARGE Boston Terrier, and is ahead on the growth chart. I weighed her today, and she is at 14.5 pounds. A SOLID 14.5 pounds, at that-all muscles, ears and legs, it seems!

She had a yeast infection in her left ear. Stunk, and was red too. But treatment has helped that. She now has all her puppy shots and next on the doctor agenda is to spay her. That should happen the third week in May.

Last night she did the craziest thing. We were letting her sleep with us, and she was sleeping SOUND. Then, guess what? She wet the bed in her sleep. Not a rebellious sit up and squat sort of thing. She just had an accident like a little child. I've never heard of a dog doing that. Weird.

Russ slept through it, but I woke up and knew right away what was going on. I scooped Jazzy up and took her out in case she needed to go more. Then I cleaned her up-and me too. Then I had to wake Russ up and explain that we needed to change the bed sheets, because Jazzy had an accident. What a deal!

She's just a crazy little girl-loving her sleep too much to wake up.