Saturday, January 14, 2006

New Strategy

I guess I was looking a bit harried, or Russ just knew my health could be hindered by not getting restorative sleep for days on end (because of getting up with Jazzy so frequently during the night). I was getting up with Jazzy so Russ could sleep since he had to work. I didn't mind hearing her cry some-all puppies will do that, but hated the idea that she would wake up Russ. Well, Russ assured me that he didn't mind, he just sleeps more soundly than me, so doesn't wake up until after I've taken care of Jazzy's needs (and wants).

So, last night we put Jazzy's kennel in our guest bath, left the kennel open so she could get out and do her business on the wee wee pads, and shut the bathroom door. She did NOT like her new surroundings and cried. I'm guessing she cried herself to sleep. I had taken a couple of Tylenol PM to help me sleep more soundly, so I missed just how long she cried. I guess you could say she cried ME to sleep! Russ did get up 3 times that I know of during the night when Jazzy's cries were more urgent. One time, he found her stuck in the bathtub. Another time she was stuck on top of the toilet seat and she had unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper. Not sure how she got there, but guessing she used her kennel to climb on. So Russ moved that to avoid any injuries. I haven't talked to Russ yet, but I was grateful for the sleep, and that he was willing to take care of Jazzy during the night so I could get caught up.

I know mothers of infants are laughing at our situation-and saying, "at least they can ignore their 'baby's' cries if they want to."

We'll see what tonight brings! Tomorrow is church, so Russ needs to be on top of his game. That means its up to me again to check on Jazzy.


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